Do you suffer from Mom Guilt?
You know what I’m talking about. It’s that feeling that no matter what you do as a mother, it is never enough-that you should have or could have done more.
Do you love being a mother but still dream of having a life of your own? Do you feel like you lost your identity when you became a mom or maybe just miss the girl you used to be? Do you feel like you are spread too thin between all the hats you wear?
If you want your life back while still being there for your kids and family, then read this book and discover seven steps to breaking the habit of Mom Guilt.
1) Find your center
2) Keep your word
3) Stop playing the victim
4) Fill your cup first
5) It takes a village
6) Join the Mom Guilt Movement
7) Invite a friend
This is not a ‚feel good‘ book, nor is it about how to be a better mom. This is about giving you permission to stop pretending that you are not suffering, and the courage to start healing.
Über den Autor
David Strauss is a writing coach, editor, and ghostwriter. He has written and published four books of his own and helped dozens of aspiring authors become published.