This book comprises the proceedings of the Conference and Exhibition on Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE 2020). The contents of the volume encompass a vast spectrum from Conventional to Advanced NDE including novel methods, instrumentation, sensors, procedures, and data analytics as applied to all industry segments for quality control, periodic maintenance, life estimation, structural integrity and related areas. This book will be a useful reference for students, researchers and practitioners.
Evaluation of Parallel Processing Employed in Industrial Computed Tomography.- Towards Rapid, In-situ Monitoring of Thermal Barrier Coating Degradation Using Eddy Current Technique.- Eddy Current Thermography as a Tool for Detecting the Location and Dimension of Edge Defects in Cr Mo Steel Plate.- Indian Make Portable and Real-time Shearography System (IMPRESS) for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT).- Real-time Detection of Defects on a Honeycomb Composite Sandwich Structure using Digital Image Correlation (DIC).- Novel Data Processing Approaches for Testing and Evaluation of Mild Steel Sample using Frequency Modulated Thermal Wave Imaging.- Barker Coded Thermal Wave Imaging for Testing and Evaluation of Mild Steel.- Proximity: An Automatic Approach for Defect Detection and Depth Estimation in Infrared Non-Destructive Testing.- A Comparative Evaluation of Two Scanning Modalities in Industrial Cone Beam Computed Tomography.- Subsurface Defect Detection in Conducting Materials Through Transient Eddy Current NDE and Apparent Conductivity Calculations.
Über den Autor
Dr. Shyamsunder Mandayam is an innovator, researcher, technologist and trainer with deep domain expertise in the multidisciplinary area of Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) of materials, components and structures. He is currently the Chief Scientific Advisor for Azeriri Pvt Ltd and a Mentor for Teralumen Solutions Pvt Ltd. During his 36 years long career at Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, India and GE Research, Bangalore, India, he has worked extensively in the development of new and advanced NDE/Inspection techniques, driving the vision and preparing the roadmaps for next generation technologies in NDE for metallic and non¬metallic materials (composites) related to aerospace, nuclear, power, renewables and oil & gas industries. He has worked on several cutting edge domains and technologies like eddy current array sensors, POD, nonlinear ultrasound, positron annihilation, microwave and terahertz NDE, pipeline inspection, automation, robotics and lifing of components and structures. Currently, he is pioneering the adoption of NDE 4.0 in the industry through digital transformation (Robotics, Drones, Io T, Digital Twins, Analytics using AI and ML, AR and VR). He has 12 patents and 160+ papers in various journals, books and proceedings and delivered 90+ invited talks. Dr. Mandayam has received several prestigious awards like National NDT award for R&D, GE India’s JRD Tata award for excellence, GE Whitney award among others. He is a Honorary Fellow of ISNT and a Life Member of ASNT, MSI, AMSI, In SIS.
Dr. Sarmishtha Palit Sagar is a Senior Principal Scientist and Group leader of NDE & MM group at CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur, India. She has over 23 years of experience in the area of Non-destructive Evaluation and Sensor development. She pursued her B.Tech. and M.Tech. in Electronics & Communication from the Institute of Radio Physics & Electronics, University of Calcutta and Ph.D. from Jadavpur University, India. Her research interest lies in ultrasonic & advanced ultrasonic, signal & image processing, sensor & device development for Industrial applications. Currently, she is involved in developing AI and IOT based systems for life assessment of components. Dr. Sagar has worked as a visiting Scientist at Fraunhofer Institute for Non-destructive Testing, Saarbreucken, Germany from 2000-2002 and at Pennsylvania State University, USA in 2009. She has 70+ publications in journals of national and international repute, 13 patents and 7 copyrights to her credit. She has guided several Master students and 3 Ph.D. students. She is the recipient of several prestigious awards like National NDE Award for International Recognition, National NDE award in R&D, Raman Research Fellowship award by CSIR, Lady Engineer Award by Institute of Engineers, “Tata Innovista 2015” Regional award in “Promising Innovation in the Core processes” category.