Age was a critical factor in shaping imperial experience, yet it has not received any sustained scholarly attention. This pioneering interdisciplinary collection is the first to investigate the lives of children and young people and the construction of modes of childhood and youth within the British world.
Introduction: The World in Miniature; Simon Sleight and Shirleene Robinson
1. A Motherly Concern for Children: Invocations of Queen Victoria in Imperial Child Rescue Literature; Shurlee Swain
2. Ayah, Caregiver to Anglo-Indian Children c. 1750–1947; Suzanne Conway
3. Babies of the Empire: Science, Nation, and Truby King ‚ ’s Mothercraft in Early Twentieth-Century South Africa; S.E. Duff
4. ‚ ‚He is Hardened to the Climate and a Little Bleached by it ‚ ’s [sic] Influence ‚ ‚: Imperial Childhoods in Scotland and Madras, c. 1800–1830; Ellen Filor
5. ‚ ‚Dear Mummy and Daddy ‚ ‚: Reading Wartime Letters from British Children Evacuated to Canada During the Second World War; Claire L. Halstead
6. East African Students in a (Post-)Imperial World; Timothy Nicholson
7. Resistance and Race: Aboriginal Child Workers in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth- Century Australia; Shirleene Robinson
8. Health, Race and Family in Colonial Bengal; Satadru Sen
9. Race, Indigeneity and the Baden-Powell Girl Guides: Age, Gender and the British World, 1908–1920; Mary Clare Martin
10. Transforming Narratives of Colonial Danger: Imagining the Environments of New Zealand and Australia in Children ‚ ’s Literature, 1862–1899; Michelle J. Smith
11. The ‚ ‚Willful ‚ ‚ Girl in the Anglo-World: Sentimental Heroines and Wild Colonial Girls, 1872–1923; Hilary Emmett
12. Youth and Homosex: Danger and Possibility in Queensland, 1890–1914; Yorick Smaal
13. Leery Sue Goes to the Show: Popular Performance, Sexuality and the Disorderly Girl; Melissa Bellanta
14. Savage Instincts, Civilizing Spaces: The Child, the Empire and the Public Park, c. 1880–1914; Ruth Colton
15. Memorializing Colonial Childhoods: From the Frontier to the Museum; Kate Darian-Smith
Über den Autor
Shurlee Swain, Australian Catholic University in Melbourne, Australia. Suzanne Conway, Chestnut Hill College, USA. S.E. Duff, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Ellen Filor, Indepdendent Scholar, UK. Claire L. Halstead, University of Western Ontario, Canada. Timothy Nicholson, State University of New York at Delhi, USA. Satadru Sen, Queens College of the City of New York, USA. Mary Clare Martin, University of Greenwich, UK. Michelle J. Smith, Deakin University, Australia. Hilary Emmett, University of East Anglia, UK. Yorick Smaal, Griffith University, Australia. Melissa Bellanta, Australian Catholic University in Sydney, Australia. Ruth Colton, University of Manchester, UK. Kate Darian-Smith, University of Melbourne, Australia.