Veterinary Surgical Oncology provides in-depth coverage of
surgical techniques for treating cancer in small animal patients.
Organized by body system, each chapter presents detailed,
well-illustrated descriptions of surgical procedures, with
additional information on diagnostic testing, aftercare, outcomes,
and prognosis. Edited and authored by members of the Veterinary
Society of Surgical Oncologists, Veterinary Surgical
Oncology’s comprehensive coverage of surgical trea...
List of Contributors ix
Preface xiii
1 Principles of Surgical Oncology 3
Nicole Ehrhart, William T.N. Culp
2 Multimodal Therapy 15
Tania A. Banks
3 Interven...
Über den Autor
Simon T. Kudnig, BVSc, MVS, MS, FACVSc, DACVS, is a referral
surgeon at the Melbourne Veterinary Specialist Centre, Victoria,
Bernard Séguin, DVM, MS, ...