A compilation from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
‚The rule in Yoga is not to let the depression depress you, to stand back from it, observe its cause and remove the cause; for the cause is always in oneself, perhaps a vital defect somewhere, a wrong movement indulged or a petty desire causing a recoil, sometimes by its satisfaction, sometimes by its disappointment. In Yoga a desire satisfied, a false movement given its head produces very often a worse recoil than disappointed desire.
What is needed for you is to live more deeply within, less in the outer vital and mental which is exposed to these touches. The inmost psychic being is not oppressed by them; it stands in its own closeness to the Divine and sees the small surface movements as surface things foreign to the true being.‘ – Sri Aurobindo
‚Indeed, depression is the worst of all illnesses and we must reject it with as much energy as we use to get rid of a disease.‘ – The Mother
The Mother‘s Advice
Listen to the Voice of a Friend
Perseverance Breaks down All Obstacles
Cause of Depression – I
Cause of Depression – II
Cause of Depression – III
The Vital Being in Us
Cure of Depression – I
Cure of Depression – II
Cure of Depression – III
Cure of Depression – IV
Cure of Depression – V
The Right Attitude
Depression and Enthusiasm – Two Extremes
Failures and Defeats in Life
The Extraordinary Power of Savitri
Guidance to a Confused Disciple
Let Not Depression Depress You
Gospel of Sorrow
He who would bring the heavens here, must descend himself into clay
The Burden of Love
Sri Aurobindo‘s Life: a Battle From Its Early Years
Difficulty gives its help
Storms and the sunlit way
Faithfulness to the Light of the Soul and the Divine Call