This book is a selection of the best and peer-reviewed articles presented at the CUPUM (Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management) conference, held in the second week of July 2015 at MIT in Boston, USA. The contributions provide state-of the art overview of the availability and application of Planning Support Systems (PSS) in the framework of Smart Cities.
Introduction to ‘Planning Support Systems and Smart Cities’.- Development and Operation of Social Media GIS for Disaster Risk Management in Japan.- The Role of Social Media Geographic Information (SMGI) in Spatial Planning.- Data and Analytics for Neighborhood Development: Smart Shrinkage Decision Modeling in Baltimore, Maryland.- Managing Crowds: The Possibilities and Limitations of Crowd Information During Urban Mass Events.- Simulating Urban Resilience: Disasters, Dynamics and (Synthetic) Data.- Data Integration to Create Large-Scale Spatially Detailed Synthetic Populations.- Smart Cities: Concepts, Perceptions and Lessons for Planners.- Who’s Smart? Whose City? The Sociopolitics of Urban Intelligence.- Knowledge-Mining the Australian Smart Grid Smart City Data: A Statistical-Neural Approach to Demand-Response Analysis.