Stegan Langer is always positive and he sees only the positive things in life. Every single day gives him the opportunity to help more and more people to change their thinking and be positive about their lives.
All the things that have happened to him have helped him to understand much better what his purpose in life is.
He is married to Vera, a wonderful woman who helps him to be true to himself. They live in northern Italy on Lake Garda. He loves to be happy and is passionate about life and its challenges.
6 Ebooks von Stefan Langer
Stefan Langer: David Beats Goliath
David Beats Goliath is the story of one mans quest for reaching the top of his chosen profession, but its also much more. Stefan Langer shares his very personal spiritual journey that changed him fro …
Stefan Langer: Der Weg zum besten Fasermann der Welt
Dieses Buch ist entstanden um den Menschen zu zeigen, wie ich es erreicht habe mit einigen Dingen im Leben fertig zu werden und daraus zu lernen. Das E-Book Der Weg zum besten Fasermann der Welt wird …
Stefan Langer: Mein grösster Reichtum…….ist mein Wissen!
Mein grösster Reichtum…….ist mein Wissen! Ratgeber & Wissen. Dieses Buch ist entstanden aus einer Idee und aus dem Wissen das ich nun habe. Es soll eine Anregung sein, und soll behilflich sein se …
Inghard Langer & Stefan Langer: Jugendliche begleiten und beraten
Nicht mehr Kind und noch nicht erwachsen — viele Erfahrungen und Konflikte können in der Pubertät ernsthafte Krisen auslösen. Depression, Risikoverhalten, Gewalt können entstehen, wenn Jugendliche d …
Stefan Langer: David beats Goliath
David Beats Goliath is the story of one man’s quest for reaching the top of his chosen profession, but it’s also much more. Stefan Langer shares his very personal spiritual journey that changed him f …
Hermann Hesse: Siddhartha (Illustrated)
Siddhartha: An Indian Poem is a 1922 novel by Hermann Hesse that deals with the spiritual journey of self-discovery of a man named Siddhartha during the time of the Gautama Buddha. The book, Hesse’s …