When clearing out his mothers fl at Stephen discovers a tin of
old photographs under her bed. Each image evokes a memory of
childhood and we get to meet the people who inhabit those memories
wayward friends and sensible friends, strict teachers and hopeless teachers, ugly girls and gorgeous girls, Aunts who are not Aunts and Uncles who are not Uncles and a grandfather who revels in the art of mischief.
In this funny and sometimes moving novella Stephen Mitchell
wonders whether our memories can really be relied upon to provide an accurate reconstruction of our childhood years and especially those of an ordinary child growing up in the North of England in the 1960s.
Über den Autor
Stephen Mitchell was born in Preston,
Lancashire in 1954, but lived in the seaside
town of Blackpool until the age of sixteen when,
in order to escape the catering trade he left
home and joined the Royal Air Force. For the
next twenty-three years he travelled the world,
visiting places like France, Germany, Belgium,
Denmark, Cyprus, The United States, Belize,
Mexico and Coningsby. After leaving the RAF
in 1994 he decided to fi nd a job that didn’t
actually involve doing any work and so he
applied to join the Civil Service, where he has
remained ever since as a Training Offi cer.
As a lifelong comic book fan, Stephen has only recently forgiven his
mother for donating his entire comic collection (including the fi rst issue
of The Amazing Spider-man) to a jumble sale shortly after he left home to
join the RAF. He reckons that if he still had his comics today he could sell
them and become a millionaire and not have to write books to support his
meagre Civil Service salary.
Permanent Moments is his fi rst book.