You were born beautiful, fearless, limitless; a curious and confident blank slate. So, what happens? What kind of butt-kicking does it take to transform confident, limitless children into fearful, unhappy, over-medicated adults? Why do our parents, teachers, friends, enemies, even complete strangers conspire to burst our bubble, kill off our dreams, strip us of our Powers? The answer may surprise you.
Identifying and Igniting your Dormant Super Powers will give you the tools you need to live a self-directed life—the life of your dreams; not the life others want for you and not the small life for which you may think you have to settle. Getting excited? Having guided many would-be superheroes through this process, I’m excited to be guiding you.
The life you’ve always wanted to live is within your grasp. The Powers you need to achieve this life you already have. Ignite your hidden Powers, and you’ll be flying in no time.
CHAPTER 1: The Power to Change Your World— by Changing Yourself
CHAPTER 2: The Power of Personal Responsibility
CHAPTER 3: The Power of Using Your Fear to Change Your Life
CHAPTER 4: The Power to Control Judgment
CHAPTER 5: Powerfully Bad Words
CHAPTER 6: The Power of Acceptance—Resistance is Futile
CHAPTER 7: The Power of Unconditional Happiness
CHAPTER 9: The Power of Creativity
CHAPTER 10: The Power of Super Listening
CHAPTER 11: The Power to Remain Calm in the Eye of the Storm
CHAPTER 12: The Power to Attract Your Teachers SUGGESTED READING
Take a moment to gaze at your image in a full-length mirror. The person you see has everything they need to be happy, fulfilled, loved and crazy prosperous. If this has not been your experience to date, take heart. All you need to live the life of your dreams is to locate and liberate amazing powers you currently possess— your innate Super Powers!