‚Truth has turned against me as it can be overpowering When she asked me a question I told the truth, knowing it would be more than she wanted to hear. Sometimes I wish I had been less than truthful…‘.
I fell in love; she did not. An affair, one-sided and short lived, brings many things; temporary euphoria, excitement, intimacy, energy, and purpose. It can also bring pain when you discover you were the only party to it, and disappointment to others in your life. Weigh carefully what you stand to lose versus what you think you will gain. When the dust settles, much could be lost.‘
Über den Autor
I am a family man, close to my mother and siblings, with three children of my own, three grandchildren, a girlfriend, a college degree, several career endeavors, and retired. With all these riches, I still have what is referred to in the medical field as “brain freeze”, as I continue to look for lasting fulfillment in my life.