Cinco marcas de un metodista confirman nuestra identidad como seguidores genuinos y fructiferos de Cristo:
1. Un metodista ama a Dios
2. Un metodista se regocija en Dios
3. Un metodista da gracias
4. Un metodista ora sin cesar
5. Un metodista ama a su projimo
Este breve libro, disenado para ser compartido con otras personas, ofrece una meditacion sobre cada una de estas caracteristicas. Con oracion, apliquelos en su peregrinaje con Jesus. Si usted es parte de la familia metodista o wesleyana de todo el mundo, estas cinco marcas le otorgaran un mayor conocimiento y aprecio de por que y como seguir a Jesus. Si usted se encuentra en otra parte del cuerpo de Cristo, puede emerger con una base solida y fuerte para mantener su fundamento espiritual. Las personas cristianas que sigan estas cinco marcas, tienen caracter.
Cada capitulo termina con preguntas para reflexion o discusion.
Now available in Spanish!
Five marks confirm our identity as genuine and fruitful followers of Christ:
1. A Methodist Loves God
2. A Methodist Rejoices in God
3. A Methodist Gives Thanks
4. A Methodist Prays Constantly
5. A Methodist Loves Others
This brief book, suitable for sharing with others, provides a meditation on each of these characteristics. Prayerfully apply them to your journey with Jesus. If you are part of the worldwide Methodist or Wesleyan family, these five marks will grant a greater knowledge and appreciation for why and how you follow Jesus. If you are located in another part of the body of Christ, you can emerge with a solid foundation to keep your spiritual house standing strong. Christians marked by these five habits, when taken together have character.
Each chapter ends with questions for reflection or discussion.
Über den Autor
Steve Harper is an acclaimed author, speaker, professor, and retired elder in the Florida Annual Conference of the United Methodist church. He taught in the disciplines of spiritual formation and Wesley studies for more than 30 years as a seminary professor. He has published many books with Abingdon Press, including Five Marks of a Methodist and Life in Christ. He is a frequent speaker at churches, conferences, retreats, and other events.