Over the past forty years, Canada has become an increasingly secular, multicultural, and religiously plural society. Indeed, the church in Canada, and Pentecostals in particular, face a challenging context for responding to the call to bear witness to Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Like the disciples on the day of Pentecost, however, we need the Holy Spirit to come upon us and liberate us from our post-Christian pessimism. We need the Holy Spirit to enable us to proclaim the gospel to the nations, people that are no longer at the ends of the earth, but making their home in Canada. This book engages this new context, and considers and proposes ways that pentecostal Christians and churches can respond to the challenges of the increasingly post-Christian, multicultural, secular, and religiously plural context of Canadian society.
Über den Autor
Steven M. Studebaker (Ph D, Marquette University) is Assistant Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Mc Master Divinity College in Hamilton, Ontario. He is an active member in the Society for Pentecostal Studies, and is the author of several articles on Pentecostal theology and of the forthcoming book, Jonathan Edwards‘ Social Augustinian Trinitarianism in Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (2008). He is ordained with the Assemblies of God.