Autor: Stuart McHardy

Stuart Mc Hardy wis brocht up in Dundee an eer syne he wis a student in Embra in the 1960s, he has been screivin in an studyin the auld leid. In the 1990s while Director o the Scots Langauge Resource Centre his joab wis tae promote the Mither Tung an this included screivin in Scots fer various newspapers an ither publications. He is the author o a puckle books in Scots an has lang been veesitin schuils tae bigg up yung fowk“s kennin o the tung. An the leid his figured strangly in his wark as baith a traditional musician an a storyteller ower monie years an the feck o his publishit poetry his aye been in Scots. He wis deeply involved wi the Vigil for a Scottish Parliament (1993-98) an screived Scotland“s Democracy Trail wi Donald Smith in 2014, whan he wis gey active in the push for independence, braidcastin an performin at monie events. Fer monie years he has lectured on a variety o topics, includin Scotland“s Radical History, fer Edinburgh Univairsitie“s Centre for Open Leaning.

15 Ebooks von Stuart McHardy

Stuart McHardy: Arthur’s Seat
Arthur’s Seat is climbed (or walked up and around) by thousands of people each year. The views from the top of the 350-million year old landmark are breathtaking. In this book, Stuart Mc Hardy and …
Stuart McHardy: Scotland the Brave Land
From bold heroines to clan battles, standing stones to castles, there is hardly any aspect of Scotland’s heritage that does not feature in our storytelling traditions. This collection of stories from …
Stuart McHardy: Calton Hill
Lord Cockburn, Victorian defender of Edinburgh’s beauties, describes Calton Hill as ‚the Glory of Edinburgh‘. ‚It presents us, ‚ enthused Cockburn, ‚with the finest prospects both of its vicinity and …
Stuart McHardy: Scotland’s Future History
Mc Hardy presents a new approach to history, changing our mindset to look at Scotland as the centre of our story. Rather than starting from the Mediterranean, from the classical/Christian bias we …
Stuart McHardy: The Wey Forrit
The Wey Forrit is a political work written in Scots which examines the current British political climate, with a particular focus on how the inner workings of Westminster affect Scotland and her …
Stuart McHardy: Scotland’s Future Culture
The culture of all nations is rooted in past experience, individual and communal. In Scotland’s Future History Mc Hardy looked at the misrepresentation of so much of Scotland’s political and social …
Stuart McHardy: The Well of the Heads
The origins of the Scottish clans go back over a thousand years, and for centuries these extended networks of families dominated life in the Scottish Highlands and Islands. The warriors of the clan, …
Stuart McHardy: School of the Moon
Behind the tales of cateran raiding in the Scottish Highlands was an age old practice, beloved of the clan warriors. Trained in the ways of the School of the Moon they liked little better than …
Stuart McHardy: A New History of the Picts
When the Romans came north to what is now modern Scotland they encountered the fierce and proud warrior society known as the Picts, who despite their lack of discipline and arms, managed to prevent …
Stuart McHardy: Pagan Symbols of the Picts
Stuart Mc Hardy examines the Pictish symbols which have been discovered on various items across Scotland. The book sets out a cohesive interpretation of the Pictish past, using a variety of both …
Stuart McHardy: The White Cockade
An essential read for fans of Outlander During the first half of the eighteenth century, Bonnie Prince Charlie and his diehard supporters – the Jacobites – almost changed the course of British …
Stuart McHardy: MacPherson’s Rant
The fiddle has long played an important part in Scottish musical tradition. Here in Mac Pherson's Rant and Other Tales of the Scottish Fiddle there are stories that reflect that importance. …
Stuart McHardy: The Silver Chanter
All over the world people associate the bagpipes with Scotland. In this informative and entertaining book Stuart Mc Hardy introduces Scotland's national instrument – its history, development and …
Stuart McHardy: The Quest for the Nine Maidens
King Arthur went to Avalon with Morgan and her eight sisters. In this book Mc Hardy traces similar groups of nine maidens throughout the ancient Celtic and Germanic worlds and far beyond. In …
Stuart McHardy: The Nine Maidens
Whether as the mothers of the Norse God Heimdall, Morgan and her sisters on Avalon, the nine sisters at the heart of the founding myth of the Gikuyu of Kenya, or witches battling with the Irish St …