Suresh Chandra had great hopes when he got married, but within two years, he wanted out.
More than fifty years later, he is still enjoying a vibrant marriage with the same woman. They’re also proud grandparents.
In this guide to enjoying marriage, he explains how he did it— and how you can too! Get answers to questions such as:
• Why is it so important to be careful with the words you use with your spouse?
• In today’s world, is the idea of marriage outdated or obsolete?
• What do religions say about marriage?
• What are the characteristics of a good marriage?
Whether you’re trying to decide if marriage is for you or you’ve hit a bump in the road and are wondering if you should stay with your spouse, then you need the challenge, encouragement, and practical aid offered in this book for you to reach your full potential— and how to enjoy a marriage that lasts.
Über den Autor
Suresh Chandra is a practicing marriage celebrant, Life coach and justice of the peace with a business background. He had a long and close relationship with Chuck Colson, the founder of Prison Fellowship International and author of over forty books. He migrated with his family to Melbourne Australia, after a political coup in Fiji. He deeply believes that while marriage may not be for everyone, it can help both partners reach their full potential.