Winner at the 2013 Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards. A magic ball has mysteriously appeared and will help to weave the most beautiful friendship between the animals of the forest.
One morning, a hedgehog wakes up to find a mysterious ball of wool caught in his prickles. Why would he want a ball of wool?, he wonders in dismay. His friend the spider, who was an expert knitter, encouraged him to start knitting, teaching him all the keys and secrets to making a perfect sweater. Fascinated, all of the forest animals come to his house and the hedgehog happily knits something for each of his visitors. CLICKETY-CLICK, CLICKETY-CLICK… A stitch here, a stitch there… When the hedgehog stops knitting, he realizes something amazing—the ball of wool is magic!
A charming tale of friendship, generosity and kindness that will bring out the best in young readers by encouraging them to help others.
Ganador en los Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards de 2013. Un ovillo mágico aparecido misteriosamente ayudará a tejer la amistad más bonita entre los animales del bosque.
Una mañana el erizo se despierta con un misterioso ovillo de lana clavado en sus púas.¿Para qué querría él un ovillo?, se pregunta consternado. Su amiga araña, que era una experta tejedora, lo animó a empezar a tejer, enseñándole todos los secretos para hacer un suéter perfecto. Los animales del bosque se acercan curiosos a su casa y el erizo teje algo para cada uno de ellos. TRICOTÍ TRICOTÁ, TRICOTÍ TRICOTÁ… Una puntada por aquí, otra puntada por allá… Sin embargo, cuando el erizo termina de tejer sus prendas, siempre ocurre algo asombroso e inesperado. ¡El ovillo es mágico!
Un cuento sobre la amistad, la generosidad y la empatía que hará relucir lo mejor de cada lector y que le hará desear ayudar a los demás.
Über den Autor
Susanna Isern (La Seu d’Urgell, Spain, 1978) is an award-winning children’s books author. She is also a professor of Psychology of learning at the European University of the Atlantic and directs the Cabinet of Psychology at Aula Dédalo in Santander. Since she published her first picture book in 2011, more than 30 children’s books have seen the light of day. Most of her works are sold internationally and can be found in more than a dozen languages, and also written in Braille. Among her most popular albums we find What Are You Scared of, Little Mouse? awarded Silver Medal in the USA Moonbeam Children’s Books Award 2015 and The Magic Ball of Wool, awarded Silver Medal at the USA Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards 2013.
The award-winning illustrator Nora Hilb was born and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina. During the 80’ies, she was jailed for four years for political reasons by the dictatorship at the time. Hilb has won numerous awards for her illustration work. She has contributed as an author or illustrator to more than 80 books, including Little Chick and Mommy Cat (Silver Medal Winner-Spanish Language Book at the 2012 Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards) and The Magic Ball of Wool.