Norbert Elias has been recognized as one of the key social scientists of the 20th century at least in sociology, political science and history. This book will address Norbert Elias’s approach to empirical research, the use of his work in empirical research, and compare him with other theorists.
1. Therapeutic Culture and Self-help Literature. The ‚positive psychology‘ Code; Helena Béjar 2. Elias and Literature (Psychogenesis of Brazil in French Books for Young People); Andréa Borges Leão 3. The Civilization of Capital Punishment in France; Emmanuel Taïeb 4. Civilizing and Decivilizing Characteristics of the Contemporary Penal Field; John Pratt 5. Jurists, Police, Doctors and Psychologists – Discussing Sexual Violence in 20th-century Brazil; Tatiana Savoia Landini 6. Civilising ‚life itself‘: Elias and Foucault; Dominique Memmi 7. The New Style: Etiquette During the Exile of the Portuguese Court in Rio de Janeiro (1808-1821); Jurandir Malerba 8. Principal Elements of Ottoman State-formation Process Through Eliasian Perspective; Irem Ozgoren Kinli 9. The Metamorphoses of the Dacha: Some Processual Thinking; François Dépelteau and Ronan Hervouet 10. Revisiting Relations between the Sexes in Sport on the Island of Ireland; Katie Liston 11. Germany’s Special Path to Where? Elias in the Eurozone; Matt Clement 12. Norbert Elias and the Enigma of Time; Ji?í Subrt 13. Comparing Norbert Elias and Mikhail Bakhtin – the History of Laughter and the Civilizing Process; Thomas Maxwell Shore
Über den Autor
Matt Clement, University of Winchester, UK Ronan Hervouet, Université de Bordeaux, France Andréa Borges, University of São Paulo, Brazil Katie Liston, University of Ulster, UK Jurandir Malerba, Pontifical Catholic University of Porto Alegre, Brazil Dominique Memmi, National Center for Scientific Research, France Irem Ozgoren Kinli, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey John Pratt, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Thomas Maxwell Shore, Sheffield Hallam University, UK Ji?í ubrt, Charles University, Prague Emmanuel Taïeb, University of Lyon 2, France