Autor: Timo Duile

Radomir Bolgov. Associate professor at the School of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University, Russia. His current studies focus on the Internet public discourse and digital policies of post-Soviet countries. Program Committee member of the International Conference “Internet and Modern Society” (IMS), International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV), etc. Editor of the journal “Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. International Relations”.   Vadim Atnashev. Associate Professor, School of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University. Research interests: Ethnic and Political Conflicts, International law, Human rights, Eastern countries, Countering Extremism and Terrorism. Editor of the Proceedings of International Conference “Topical Issues of International Political Geography”.   Timo Duile. Dr. habil., Post-Doc Researcher at the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, University of Bonn, Germany. His research interests are Asia/Orient, Center/Periphery, Global South, Indigenous Communities/Source Communities, Postcolonialism.   Yury Gladkiy. Professor, Chair of the Department of Economic Geography, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. Corresponding Member for the Department of Professional Education at Russian Academy of Education. His research interests include humanitarian geography, regional economics, social ecology, and political geography. The author of school and university textbooks on humanitarian geography, regional studies, regional politics.   Sergey Pogodin, Professor, Chair of High School of International Relations at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia. He is a PC member of many international conferences and member of editorial board of academic journals on historical science, international relations and regional studies. Editor of the Proceedings of Topical Issues in International Political Geography.   Alexey Tsyb. Associate Professor of the High School of International Relations, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia. Editor-in-chief of the almanac “AKADHMEIA: materials and research on the history of Platonism”. Editor of the Proceedings of Topical Issues in International Political Geography.   Andrei A. Znamenski. Professor of the University of Memphis, USA. Fields of interest: Russia/Europe, Eurasia, Siberia, Religion, Modernity, Socialism, Nationalism, Western Esotericism. He also serves on the editorial advisory board of such journals as Ante Portas: Security Studies (Poland), Siberica, and Alaska History.

4 Ebooks von Timo Duile

Andriani Nangoy & Timo Duile: Übersetzung als kulturelle Begegnung
Diese Festschrift versammelt Beiträge über und für Berthold Damshäuser, der von 1985 bis 2023 Indonesisch an der Abteilung für Südostasienwissenschaft der Universität Bonn unterrichtete. Als Kenner u …
Timo Duile & Kristina Gromann: Plural Ecologies in Southeast Asia
This book draws on ethnographic studies in Southeast Asia to provide new insights into human-environmental relationships and ecologies, together with a set of theoretical innovations.Contextualizing …
Timo Duile & Kristina Gromann: Plural Ecologies in Southeast Asia
This book draws on ethnographic studies in Southeast Asia to provide new insights into human-environmental relationships and ecologies, together with a set of theoretical innovations.Contextualizing …
Radomir Bolgov & Vadim Atnashev: Proceedings of Topical Issues in International Political Geography (TIPG 2023)
This proceedings book provides selections from the 2023 Topical Issues in International Political Geography (TIPG) meeting. This gathering addresses the main issues of contemporary political geograph …