Every day, thousands of people turn sixty-five – some feel excitement, some feel scared, most feel both. While many may still work, raise children or pursue their career goals, most of these pressures are fading into the past.
People realize that they will likely live for decades longer and are starting to have serious questions. If you are in this situation, you may be asking yourself:
• What am I going to do with my time?
• Will I have enough money to enjoy my life?
• What can I do to stay healthy?
Drawing on years of research, interviews and analysis, Tom Wilson gives you what you need to address these questions, and many more. Real-life insights bring the research findings to life and the step-by-step guides help you create a Master Plan based on your needs, wants and circumstances.
From finances to relationships to developing a new sense of identity, this comprehensive guide to retirement will help you prepare for and enjoy this exciting next stage of life.
Über den Autor
As a nationally recognized author and management consultant, Tom Wilson is a master problem-solver, synthesizer and communicator. His career has focused on taking complex information and making it simple to understand and to act upon. As he began entering his “Next Stage, ” he decided to see what it was like and how to make it purposeful and fulfilling.
Tom is the author of three books and over 30 articles and book chapters. He has a Master’s Degree in business and enjoys conducting special research on trends, best practices and new discoveries. He has used these skills to create a book that helps the reader understand and focus one’s life in new directions as they enter their retirement years.
Tom has presented his works to groups throughout the world. He enjoys engaging with his audience, presenting new perspectives to complex challenges, and sharing interesting stories. If you would like Tom to present and engage your group, contact him at the address below:
Tom@My Next Stage.org
www.My Next Stage.org