Age K. Smilde is a Professor of Biosystems Data Analysis at the Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences at the University of Amsterdam. He also holds a part-time position at the Department of Machine Intelligence of Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering in Oslo, Norway. His research interest is multiblock data analysis and its implementation in different fields of life sciences. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Chemometrics.
Tormod Næs is a Senior Scientist at Nofima, a food research institute in Norway. He is also currently employed as adjoint professor at the Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark and as extraordinary professor at University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. His main research interest is multivariate analysis with special emphasis on applications in sensory science and spectroscopy.
Kristian Hovde Liland is an Associate Professor with a top scientist scholarship in Data Science at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and works in the areas of chemometrics, data analysis and machine learning. His main research is in linear prediction modelling, spectroscopy, and the transition between chemometrics and machine learning.
2 Ebooks von Tormod T. Næs
Tormod Næs & Kristian Hovde Liland: Multiblock Data Fusion in Statistics and Machine Learning
Multiblock Data Fusion in Statistics and Machine Learning Explore the advantages and shortcomings of various forms of multiblock analysis, and the relationships between them, with this expert guide A …
Tormod Næs & Kristian Hovde Liland: Multiblock Data Fusion in Statistics and Machine Learning
Multiblock Data Fusion in Statistics and Machine Learning Explore the advantages and shortcomings of various forms of multiblock analysis, and the relationships between them, with this expert guide A …