This second volume of Analysis in Banach Spaces, Probabilistic Methods and Operator Theory, is the successor to Volume I, Martingales and Littlewood-Paley Theory. It presents a thorough study of the fundamental randomisation techniques and the operator-theoretic aspects of the theory. The first two chapters address the relevant classical background from the theory of Banach spaces, including notions like type, cotype, K-convexity and contraction principl...
6.Random sums.-7.Type, cotype, and related properties.- 8.R-boundedness.- 9.Square functions and radonifying operators.- 11.The H1-functional calculus.- P.Open ...
Über den Autor
Tuomas Hytönen is Professor at the University of Helsinki. A leading expert in Harmonic Analysis with over 60 research papers, he was educated at Helsinki University ...