Autor: USA) Shoreman-Ouimet Eleanor (University of Connecticut


4 Ebooks von USA) Shoreman-Ouimet Eleanor (University of Connecticut

Helen (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Kopnina & Eleanor (University of Connecticut, USA) Shoreman-Ouimet: Sustainability
Sustainability: Key Issues is a comprehensive introductory textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate students doing courses in sustainability. Highly original, it covers the very broad spectrum of …
Helen (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Kopnina & Eleanor (University of Connecticut, USA) Shoreman-Ouimet: Sustainability
Sustainability: Key Issues is a comprehensive introductory textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate students doing courses in sustainability. Highly original, it covers the very broad spectrum of …
Helen (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Kopnina & Eleanor (University of Connecticut, USA) Shoreman-Ouimet: Environmental Anthropology Today
Today, we face some of the greatest environmental challenges in global history. Understanding the damage being done and the varied ethics and efforts contributing to its repair is of vital importance …
Helen (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Kopnina & Eleanor (University of Connecticut, USA) Shoreman-Ouimet: Environmental Anthropology Today
Today, we face some of the greatest environmental challenges in global history. Understanding the damage being done and the varied ethics and efforts contributing to its repair is of vital importance …