The Games Are Virtual—The Profits Are Real!
With increasing availability, Internet poker offers the ideal solution for players who know the basics and are looking for a fun, easy way to get into a game. But how do you pick the sites that offer you the best—and most lucrative—gaming experience?
Updated with the latest information on the latest games,
Powerful Profits from Internet Poker is the all-in-one guide to getting the most out of online poker, featuring outstanding advice from celebrated gambling columnist and casino insider Victor H. Royer. Here is the first book to answer the real questions posed by real Internet players, including:
What are the applicable Internet gambling laws and how do they affect me?
Does my state allow Internet poker?
Updated strategies for U.S. Internet Poker, and how to play profitably
Which international Internet poker sites are still operating?
Is it safe? Can I be cheated? How? –and much more!
Whether you’re an enthusiastic amateur or a seasoned player, this indispensable guide will provide everything you need to enhance your enjoyment of the game, improve your skill, and reap powerful profits.
112, 000 Words
Über den Autor
Victor H. Royer is the author of several major works on casino gambling, and is a syndicated columnist for national gaming magazines. His columns have appeared in Casino Magazine, Midwest Gaming and Travel, Casino Executive, Card Player, and many others. He has also served as a marketing and gaming consultant to the world’s largest casinos, and to gaming machine manufacturers. He lives in Las Vegas.