Autor: Weimin Han

Kendall E. Atkinson, Ph D, is Professor Emeritus in the Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Iowa. He has authored books and journal articles in his areas of research interest, which include the numerical solution of integral equations and boundary integral equation methods. Weimin Han, Ph D, is Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Iowa, where he is also Director of the interdisciplinary Ph D Program in Applied Mathematical and Computational Science. Dr. Han currently focuses his research on the numerical solution of partial differential equations. David E. Stewart, Ph D, is Professor and Associate Chair in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Iowa, where he is also the departmental Director of Undergraduate Studies. Dr. Stewart“s research interests include numerical analysis, computational models of mechanics, scientific computing, and optimization.

10 Ebooks von Weimin Han

Weimin Han: A Posteriori Error Analysis Via Duality Theory
This work provides a posteriori error analysis for mathematical idealizations in modeling boundary value problems, especially those arising in mechanical applications, and for numerical approximation …
Kendall Atkinson & Weimin Han: Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
A concise introduction to numerical methodsand the mathematical framework neededto understand their performance Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations presents a complete and easy-to-f …
Kendall Atkinson & Weimin Han: Theoretical Numerical Analysis
This textbook prepares graduate students for research in numerical analysis/computational mathematics by giving to them a mathematical framework embedded in functional analysis and focused on numeric …
Weimin Han & B. Daya Reddy: Plasticity
This book focuses on the theoretical aspects of small strain theory of elastoplasticity with hardening assumptions. It provides a comprehensive and unified treatment of the mathematical theory and nu …
Weimin Han & Stanisław Migórski: Advances in Variational and Hemivariational Inequalities
This volume is comprised of articles providing new results on variational and hemivariational inequalities with applications to Contact Mechanics unavailable from other sources. The book will be of p …
Kendall Atkinson & Weimin Han: Theoretical Numerical Analysis
Mathematics is playing an ever more important role in the physical and biological sciences, provoking a blurring of boundaries between scientific disciplines and a resurgence of interest in the moder …
Weimin Han & B. Daya Reddy: Plasticity
The theory of elastoplastic media is now a mature branch of solid and structural mechanics, having experienced significant development during the latter half of this century. This monograph focuses o …
Weimin Han & Meir Shillor: Analysis and Approximation of Contact Problems with Adhesion or Damage
Research into contact problems continues to produce a rapidly growing body of knowledge. Recognizing the need for a single, concise source of information on models and analysis of contact problems, a …
Kendall Atkinson & Weimin Han: Spherical Harmonics and Approximations on the Unit Sphere: An Introduction
These notes provide an introduction to the theory of spherical harmonics in an arbitrary dimension as well asan overview of classical and recent results on some aspects of the approximation of functi …
Weimin Han: An Introduction to Theory and Applications of Stationary Variational-Hemivariational Inequalities
This book offers a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the mathematical theory of stationary Variational-Hemivariational Inequalities (VHIs), a rapidly growing area of research with signific …