Autor: Whitney Lee Preston

Whitney Lee Preston and Nancy Morgan Reed are an married author team writing children“s and juvenile stories of myth, adventure and magic. The pair taught and performed for years in live theater and have now brought this wonder to books. They share time in the San Francisco Bay area where Whitney works with airplanes, and on Morgan“s ranch in the foothills. They share a love of long walks with the dogs, a good bookstore, a great restaurant, and an entertaining story to share. Other works include The Saga of Elf and Troll, Horse My Heart, Surviving the Butte Fire Evacuation, and the Sci Fi Mythos trek series, „What“s it Gonna Be, Captain?“. Available on amazon, Xlibris, Barnesand Noble and many titles coming to bookstores soon.

2 Ebooks von Whitney Lee Preston

Whitney Lee Preston: The Dueling Wizards of Simpletown
A Tale of Fantasy involving two silly Magicians, and a Cunning Plan by their two-faced servant. …
NM Reed & Whitney Lee Preston: The Adventures of Elf and Troll
A wood Elf and a mountain Troll find themselves pulled between Two Kingdoms. A King and a Queen try to bridge the gap of many miles of forest and strange beings, and the total lack of cell phones, us …