San Mateo escribe para un público judeocristiano y su principal preocupación es mostrar que en Cristo se cumplen todas las promesas del Antiguo Testamento. Aunque el pueblo judío era el primer destinatario de dichas promesas, muchos de sus miembros no acogieron a Cristo: a Cristo lo recibieron, sobre todo, los gentiles, no los judíos. El texto de Marcos, por su parte, es el más antiguo de los cuatro Evangelios. San Marcos se preocupa, sobre todo, de mostrar cómo Cristo revela el misterio del Reino de Dios con su predicación y ministerio público. The Gospels of Matthew and Mark. In this adapted title from the critically acclaimed Liguori Catholic Bible Study series, authors Pía Septién and Rev. William A. Anderson help you apply the spiritual practice of lectio divina and rekindle in you a deeper insight into the love God has for us. The evangelist Matthew writes to a Jewish-Christian audience and teaches us that Christ fulfills the promises of the Old Testament. The inheritance of the Messiah belonged to the Israelite people; however, because many Jews didn’t recognize Jesus, Gentiles made up a large portion of the early Christian converts. Matthew’s Gospel quotes the Old Testament as it speaks of the reign of God, the promise of eternal life, and Jesus‘ teaching of the twofold commandment to love God and neighbor. Mark’s Gospel was the earliest of the four Gospels to be written, having significant impact on the Church and later writers. You’ll read how Jesus prepared for his public ministry and how he revealed the mystery of God’s reign in his words and in his life.
Über den Autor
Pía Septién is a biblical instructor at the University of Dallas School of Ministry, holds an master’s degree in theological studies, and has a certificate in pastoral administration from the University of Dallas. Her bachelor’s degree is in business administration from Anahuac University in Mexico City, where she was born and raised. Septién is the mother of five and lives with her husband and children in Greater Dallas.