The story follows Toby the tumbleweed as he carelessly tumbles through life. While he believes he lives a free life, we will see he is always influenced or carried along by something other than himself. The reader will find that through Tobys careless life choices, he often becomes stuck. Unable to understand, Toby relies on the Gardner to free him from the captivity created by his life choices.
We learn through the Gardners devotion that no matter where we choose to go in life, he will always be there offering us true freedom and never-ending love.
Über den Autor
William West was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and currently resides there with his wife and three daughters. He has attended his church for thirty-eight years; he currently is a deacon and teaches children’s church.
William has always enjoyed writing short stories; with the encouragement of his family he has decided to share these stories with everyone.