Autor: Wim Vanhaverbeke

Henry Chesbrough: É diretor do Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation na Haas School of Bussiness na UC Berkeley. Sua pesquisa enfoca a gestão de tecnologia e inovação. Wim Vanhaverbeke: É professor na University of Hasselt e professor visitante na ESADE Business School e na National University of Singapore. Publicou em importantes periódicos internacionais, incluindo Organization Science, Research Policy e Strategic Management Journal. Foi coeditor, com Henry Chesbrough e Joel West, de Open innovation: researching a new paradigm (Oxford, 2006). Sua pesquisa atual enfoca a inovação aberta em PMEs, nos ecossistemas inovadores e na implementação de práticas de inovação aberta. Joel West: É professor no Keck Graduate Institute, Claremont Colleges, e também professor emérito na San José State University. Coeditou, em 2014, um número especial de Research Policy sobre inovação aberta e é cofundador da Open Innovation Conference. Também criou o Open Innovation Blog. Sua pesquisa enfoca o gerenciamento de redes externas de inovação aberta em empresas, incluindo plataformas, ecossistemas e comunidades de inovação.

9 Ebooks von Wim Vanhaverbeke

Wim Vanhaverbeke & Federico Frattini: RESEARCHING OPEN INNOVATION IN SMES
The concept of open innovation (OI) has become a very popular topic during the last decade, with increasing number of SMEs embracing OI practices to gain competitive advantage. This edited volume is …
Henry Chesbrough & Wim Vanhaverbeke: New Frontiers in Open Innovation
Companies have to innovate to stay competitive, and they have to collaborate with other organizations to innovate effectively. Although the benefits of "open innovation" have been described …
Henry Chesbrough & Wim Vanhaverbeke: Open Innovation
Open Innovation describes an emergent model of innovation in which firms draw on research and development that may lie outside their own boundaries. In some cases, such as open source software, this …
Henry Chesbrough & Wim Vanhaverbeke: Open Innovation
Open Innovation describes an emergent model of innovation in which firms draw on research and development that may lie outside their own boundaries. In some cases, such as open source software, this …
Henry Chesbrough & Agnieszka Radziwon: Oxford Handbook of Open Innovation
This Handbook seeks to be the definitive reference for the large and growing field of Open Innovation. A comprehensive collection of short and authoritative chapters, the volume summarizes the most v …
Henry Chesbrough & Agnieszka Radziwon: Oxford Handbook of Open Innovation
This Handbook seeks to be the definitive reference for the large and growing field of Open Innovation. A comprehensive collection of short and authoritative chapters, the volume summarizes the most v …
Henry Chesbrough & Wim Vanhaverbeke: Novas fronteiras em inovação aberta
 Empresas precisam inovar para se manter competitivas, mas nenhuma empresa possui todo o conhecimento e as capacidades relevantes dentro de suas fronteiras. Desde o primeiro livro de Henry Chesbrough …