Autor: Yuefei Sui

Wei Li, is a Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China and is a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. Li is mostly engaged in the applied research of Computer Software and Theory, and the Internet, including programming languages, software development, artificial intelligence, and integrated circuit design. Yuefei Sui, is a Professor in the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. His main interests include knowledge representation, applied logic and the theory of computability.

5 Ebooks von Yuefei Sui

Wei Li & Yuefei Sui: R-CALCULUS: A Logic of Belief Revision
This book introduces new models based on R-calculus and theories of belief revision for dealing with large and changing data. It extends R-calculus from first-order logic to propositional logic, desc …
Wei Li & Yuefei Sui: R-Calculus, II: Many-Valued Logics
This second volume of the book series shows R-calculus is a combination of one monotonic tableau proof system and one non-monotonic one. The R-calculus is a Gentzen-type deduction system which is non …
Wei Li & Yuefei Sui: R-Calculus, III: Post Three-Valued Logic
This third volume of the book series shows R-calculus is a Gentzen-typed deduction system which is non-monotonic, and is a concrete belief revision operator which is proved to satisfy the AGM postula …
Wei Li & Yuefei Sui: R-Calculus, IV: Propositional Logic
This fourth volume of the book series combines propositional logic and R-calculus for a new point of view to consider belief revision. It gives the R-calculi for propositional logic, descri …
Wei Li & Yuefei Sui: R-Calculus, V: Description Logics
This book series consists of two parts, decidable description logics and undecidable description logics. It gives the R-calculi for description logics. This book offers a rich blend of …