Cities of Europe is a unique combination of book and CD-ROM examining the effects of recent socio-economic transformations on western European cities.
* A unique combination of book and CD-ROM examining the effects of recent socio-economic transformations on western European cities.
* Focuses on the interplay between segregation, social exclusion and governance issues in these cities.
* Takes a comparative approach by highlighting the specifics of European cities vis-à-vis other urban contexts and analysing the intra-European differences.
* The CD-ROM features a series of 2, 000 photographs from seventeen cities (Amsterdam, Antwerp, Barcelona, Berlin, Birmingham, Brussels, Bucharest, Helsinki, London, Milan, Naples, New York, Paris, Rotterdam, Tirana, Turin, and Utrecht).
* Also features 126 thematic maps, interviews with established scholars, and literature reviews.
* The book and the CD-ROM are linked through an extensive cross-referencing system.
Table of Contents of the CD.
Notes on Contributors.
Series Editors‘ Preface.
Foreword: Saskia Sassen.
Introducing European Cities.
1 Introduction: Cities of Europe: Changing Contexts, Local
Arrangements, and the Challenge to Social Cohesion: Yuri
2 The European City: A Conceptual Framework and Normative
Project: Hartmut Häussermann and Anne Haila.
Part I The Changing Context of European Cities.
3 Urban Social Change: A Socio-Historical Framework of Analysis:
Enzo Mingione.
4 Social Morphology and Governance in the New Metropolis: Guido
5 Capitalism and the City: Globalization, Flexibility, and
Indifference: Richard Sennett.
6 Urban Socio-Spatial Configurations and the Future of European
Cities: Christian Kesteloot.
Part II The Spatial Impact of Ongoing Transformation
7 The Dynamics of Social Exclusion and Neighbourhood Decline:
Welfare Regimes, Decommodification, Housing, and Urban Inequality:
Alan Murie.
8 Social Exclusion, Segregation, and Neighborhood Effects: Sako
Musterd and Wim Ostendorf.
9 Segregation and Housing Conditions of Immigrants in Western
European Cities: Ronald van Kempen.
10 Gentrification of Old Neighborhoods and Social Integration in
Europe: Patrick Simon.
Part III Social Exclusion, Governance, and Social Cohesion in
European Cities.
11 Elusive Urban Policies in Europe: Patrick Le Galès.
12 Changing Forms of Solidarity: Urban Development Programs in
Europe: Jan Vranken.
13 Challenging the Family: The New Urban Poverty in Southern
Europe: Enrica Morlicchio.
14 Minimum Income Policies to Combat Poverty: Local Practices
and Social Justice in the ‚European Social Model‘:
Marisol García.
Visual Paths Through Urban Europe (CD-Rom).
Über den Autor
Yuri Kazepov is Professor of Urban Sociology and Compared Welfare Systems at the University of Urbino, Italy. Since the early 1990s, he has been involved as national partner or as coordinator in several EU funded projects on urban poverty and segregation, local social policy, welfare reforms and activation policy. He is also the secretary of RC21 Research Committee on Urban and Regional Development of the International Sociological Association.