Born in Sligo, Ireland, Declan Burke now lives in Co Wicklow. A freelance writer and journalist, his novels have been described as “Irish screwball noir.” He is a regular contributor to The Sunday Times, Irish Times and the Sunday Independent, and hosts a website devoted to crime fiction called Crime Always Pays. In 2012, he won the Goldsboro Last Laugh Award with ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL.
11 Ebooks by Declan Burke
Declan Burke: Crime Always Pays
Who says crime doesn’t pay? The perpetrators of a botched kidnap make their getaway in this hilarious sequel to The Big O Karen and Ray are on their way to the Greek islands to rendezvous with Madge …
Declan Burke: Trouble is Our Business
Thrilling, disturbing, shocking and moving, Trouble Is Our Business: New Stories by Irish Crime Writers is a compulsive anthology of original stories by Ireland’s best-known crime writers. Featuring: …
Declan Burke: Slaughter’s Hound
‘I glanced up but he’d already jumped, a dark blur plummeting, wings folded against the drag like some starving hawk out of the noon sun, some angel betrayed. He punched through the cab’s roof so har …
Declan Burke: Absolute Zero Cool
Winner of the Crimefest 2012 Goldsboro Last Laugh Award Billy Karlsson needs to get real. Literally. A hospital porter with a sideline in euthanasia, Billy is a character trapped in the purgatory of …
Declan Burke: Down These Green Streets
This book suggests crime fiction is now the most relevant and valid form of writing which can deal with modern Ireland in terms of the post-‘Troubles’ landscape and post-Celtic Tiger economic boom. T …
Declan Burke: Eight Ball Boogie
Harry Rigby likes a smoke, the easy life, and Robert Ryan playing the bad guy in late night black-and-whites. Sweet. But when the wife of a prominent politician is murdered in her best nightie, Rigby …
Declan Burke: The Big O
Dieses Buch ist ein Geniestreich, der alle Genregrenzen sprengt! Declan Burke ist zurück – mit The Big O, der den Leser nach Luft schnappen lässt, vor Spannung und vor Lachen. Ein perfekt austarierte …
Declan Burke: Eight Ball Boogie
Privatdetektiv und Gelegenheitsjournalist Harry Rigby ist ein Freund von Zigaretten, vom leichten Leben und von Robert Ryan als Bösewicht in alten Schwarz-Weiß-Filmen. So weit, so gut! Doch als die F …
Declan Burke: Absolute Zero Cool
Eine dreifach ausgezeichnete Krimi-Entdeckung aus Irland, wie Sie es noch nie gelesen haben! Billy Karlsson muss es einfach schaffen. Unbedingt. Der Krankenhausportier, der so ganz nebenbei ein bissc …
Declan Burke: Slaughter’s Hound
Harry Rigbys zweiter Fall: Er war dabei, er war Augenzeuge, als Finn Hamilton, der Radio-DJ, ins große Nichts spazierte, von seinem Studio aus, neun Stockwerke über ihm. Aber keiner kann glauben, das …
Elizabeth Mannion & Brian Cliff: Guilt Rules All
Irish crime fiction, long present on international bestseller lists, has been knocking on the door of the academy for a decade. With a wide range of scholars addressing some of the most essential Iri …