Dr Rawinia Higgins is Pro-Vice Chancellor of Māori at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. She has been an academic since 1994, and her interests cover Māori language; policy, status, acquisition, maintenance, identity and rights; Māori customary practices; performing arts and moko; and Māori tribal histories and politics. As a corollary of her academic career experience and research, she has published and presented on a range of topics, as well as being contracted to undertake research projects for the Kōhanga Reo National Trust (a national pre-school Māori language immersion initiative) and Te Ataarangi (a national adult Māori language learning programme). Beyond the academic context, she has engaged with Māori stakeholders throughout the country, assisting with local tribal research on asset management and lending advice on academic and social development. She is also a Board member of Te Taura Whiri I Te Reo Māori (the Māori Language Commission) and Te Māngai Pāho (the Māori Broadcasting Commission).
1 Ebooks by Delyn Day
Delyn Day & Rawinia Higgins: Journeys of Besieged Languages
This volume allows 13 besieged languages to tell their own stories by way of their consummate battles with languages that dominate their traditional spaces and ways of thinking. It tells of the value …