Author: Denisa Jánská

Denisa Jánská Studied theory and history of dramatic arts at the faculty of Philosophy from Palackého University in Olomouc and her graduation work already dealt with the history of studio Prometéus. She has been collaborating with QQ studio in projects for film, television and advertising for nearly ten years. Since 2005 that she dedicates herself to the formation of talented animators as a specialist assistant at the Animation Creation workshop from Ostrava university´s Arts Faculty.Monika HorsákováPublicist and documentary filmmaker, head of the Institute of Film, Television and Radio Production at the Faculty of Philosophy and Science of the Slezská univerzita. Co-autor of the book Cesty do ostravského (v)nitrozemí. She worked editorially on the Bílá kniha ostravské kultury and Fiducia – 20 let Fiducie a ostravské umlecké scény. She is the co-author of the books Pod poklikou 3 Popelky v eské kuchyni and Pod poklikou 4 Aby tlo netrplo. She collaborated on the edition preparation of the 3rd and 4th volume of the collected work Jan Balabán (Publicistika a hry). She is a dramaturg, co-screenwriter and co-director of educational documentary series (Sami proti zlu, Djiny na vlastní ki a Djiny na vlastní ki II.) for the Moderní portal. For the Edice Moderních djin she co-edited the publication Holokaust a jiné genocidy and Migrace historie a souasnost.

1 Ebooks by Denisa Jánská

Denisa Jánská & Monika Horsáková: Czech animation from Ostrava
Interesting publication by Denisa Jánská and Monika Horsáková mapping part of the Czech tradition of animated film, the history of the Ostrava studio of the Short Film Prométheus and its current succ …