Exploring one of the most prevalent yet contentious subjects in contemporary maternity care, Denise Tiran’s new book on postdates pregnancy balances discussion of midwifery care and the obstetric management of women who are overdue.
The book gives comprehensive coverage of a range of complementary therapies and natural remedies and how they may be effective in facilitating spontaneous onset of labour. It also takes into consideration the debate on the safety and effectiveness of natural remedies which women often self-administer.
Illustrated with case studies and referenced to authoritative review papers, Complementary Therapies for Postdates Pregnancy is a must-have guide for midwives and maternity professionals.
About the author
Denise Tiran MSc RM PGCEA is a midwifery lecturer, complementary practitioner and an international authority on maternity complementary medicine. She is Educational Director of Expectancy, the leading provider of accredited courses for midwives on aromatherapy and other complementary therapies. Denise is also editor of the acclaimed Bailliere’s Midwives’ Dictionary, now in its 13th edition.