Covering the key principles and concepts in the teaching and learning of mathematics in primary schools, this text provides trainee and practising teachers with a quick and easy reference to what they need to know for their course, and in the classroom. The entries are arranged alphabetically, and each contains a brief definition, followed by an explanation and discussion, practical examples and annotated suggestions for further reading.
Examples of the wide-ranging material include: Anxiety about mathematics; Assessment for Learning; Cognitive conflict; Concept learning; Creativity in mathematics; Differentiation; Equivalence; Explanation; Investigation; Low attainment; Making connections; Meaningful context; Mental calculation; Numeracy; Play as a context for learning mathematics; Problem-solving; Questioning; Talk.
Table of Content
Aims of mathematics teaching
Anxiety about mathematics
Assessment for learning
Assessment for teaching
Cognitive conflict
Concept learning
Conservation of quantity
Creativity in mathematics
Cross-cultural mathematics
Cross-curricular mathematics
Deductive and inductive reasoning
Gender and mathematics
Giftedness in mathematics
Home as a context for numeracy
Informal calculation method
Investigation (enquiry)
Language difficulties in mathematics
Low attainment
Making connections
Match and mismatch
Meaningful context
Meaningful learning
Mental calculation
Modelling process (representing)
Play as a context for learning mathematics
Principle learning
Problem solving
Purposeful activity
Rote learning
Skill learning
Using and applying mathematics
About the author
Derek Haylock is an education writer, with an extensive list of publications in the field of mathematics education. He worked for over 30 years in teacher education, both initial and in-service, and was Co-Director of Primary Initial Teacher Training and responsible for the mathematics components of the primary programmes at the University of East Anglia (UEA) in Norwich. He has considerable practical experience of teaching and researching in primary classrooms. His work in mathematics education has taken him to Germany, Belgium, Lesotho, Kenya, Brunei, India and Sweden. As well as his publications in the field of education, he has written seven books of Christian drama for young people and a Christmas musical (published by Church House/National Society). For 15 years after his time at UEA, he was in great demand as a consultant and professional speaker. His work as a writer continues.