Examines Wiccan magic, rituals, traditions, and code of conduct
Get the scoop on this ancient spiritual path
Wondering what it takes to be a Wiccan? This plain-English guide introduces you to the vibrant world of Wicca and the practices of Witchcraft, describing its ancient origins, dispelling stereotypes, and explaining Wiccan beliefs, ethics, rituals, and holidays. You’ll see what it means to live as a contemporary Wiccan — and how to worship alone or with a group.
Discover how to
* Worship alone or join a coven
* Perform charms, blessings, and spells
* Obtain necessary tools and supplies
* Spot spiritual scams and inappropriate behavior
* Explore a spiritual path guided by nature
Table of Content
Introduction 1
Part I: Seeing the World through Wiccan Eyes: What Wiccans Believe 9
Chapter 1: Believing That Everything’s Connected 11
Chapter 2: Believing in Deity 17
Chapter 3: Believing in Magic: Where Science Meets the Craft 25
Chapter 4: Believing in Ethics, Responsibility, and Personal Relationship with Deity 31
Part II: Looking at the Past, Present, and Future: How Wiccans Live 39
Chapter 5: Digging into the Past 41
Chapter 6: Living Wiccan Today 61
Chapter 7: Looking Back to the Future: The Rebirth of the Goddess 73
Part III: Coming Home: How Wiccans Become Wiccans 85
Chapter 8: Considering the Wiccan Path 87
Chapter 9: Going Solo or Joining a Coven: Wiccan Options 95
Chapter 10: Making Room for Everyone: Craft Traditions 107
Part IV: Following the Sun and the Moon: How Wiccans Worship 127
Chapter 11: Setting Up an Altar and Choosing Tools 129
Chapter 12: Designing and Performing Rituals: The Heart of Wicca 151
Chapter 13: Waxing and Waning with the Moon: The Esbats 183
Chapter 14: Turning the Wheel of the Year: The Sabbats 195
Part V: Practicing the Craft: What Wiccans Do 217
Chapter 15: Making Magic Happen 219
Chapter 16: Spellcasting: The Poetry of Wicca 231
Chapter 17: Boosting Magic with Fire, Stones, and Herbs 241
Chapter 18: Working with Trance and Dreams 261
Chapter 19: Daring to Divine 283
Chapter 20: Keeping a Book of Shadows, a Sacred Record 297
Part VI: The Part of Tens 305
Chapter 21: Ten Habits of Effective Wiccans 307
Chapter 22: Ten Wiccan Principles of Behavior 313
Chapter 23: Ten Warning Signs of a Scam or Inappropriate Behavior 317
Appendix A: Wicca FAQ 323
Appendix B: Magical Properties of Colors, Herbs, and Stones 343
Index 349
About the author
Diane Smith, a writer and editor for more than 20 years, is also an eclectic Witch.