Table of Content
Applications of Cogalois Theory to Elementary Field Arithmetic.- On Big Lattices of Classes of R-modules Defined by Closure Properties.- Reversible and Duo Group Rings.- Principally Quasi-Baer Ring Hulls.- Strongly Prime Ideals of Near-rings of Continuous Functions.- Elements of Minimal Prime Ideals in General Rings.- On a Theorem of Camps and Dicks.- Applications of the Stone Duality in the Theory of Precompact Boolean Rings.- Over Rings and Functors.- On Some Classes of Repeated-root Constacyclic Codes of Length a Power of 2 over Galois Rings.- Couniformly Presented Modules and Dualities.- Semiclassical Limits of Quantized Coordinate Rings.- On Unit-Central Rings.- Symplectic Modules and von Neumann Regular Matrices over Commutative Rings.- Extensions of Simple Modules and the Converse of Schur’s Lemma.- Report on Exchange Rings.- Filtrations in Semisimple Lie Algebras, III.- On the Blowing-up Rings, Arf Rings and Type Sequences.- A Guide to Supertropical Algebra.- Projective Modules, Idempotent Ideals and Intersection Theorems.- On Ef-extending Modules and Rings with Chain Conditions.- On Clean Group Rings.