Ghatu Subhash, Ph D, is the Newton C. Ebaugh Professor in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at University of Florida. He has 32 years of experience researching the dynamic behavior of ceramics and is a fellow of the ASME, ACer S, and SEM. He has won numerous professional awards for his research contributions.
Amnaya Awasthi, Ph D, is a Computational Chemist for a nanotechnology startup. He has over 15 years of experience in atomistic modeling and simulation of advanced materials including fullerenes, self-assembled monolayers, granular media and icosahedral boron-rich ceramics.
Dipankar Ghosh, Ph D, is Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Old Dominion University (ODU), Norfolk, VA. He directs the Laboratory for Extreme and Energy Materials.
5 Ebooks by Dipankar Ghosh
Ghatu Subhash & Amnaya Awasthi: Dynamic Response of Advanced Ceramics
Dynamic Response of Advanced Ceramics Discover fundamental concepts and recent advances in experimental, analytical, and computational research into the dynamic behavior of ceramics In Dynamic Respon …
Ghatu Subhash & Amnaya Awasthi: Dynamic Response of Advanced Ceramics
Dynamic Response of Advanced Ceramics Discover fundamental concepts and recent advances in experimental, analytical, and computational research into the dynamic behavior of ceramics In Dynamic Respon …
Olivia Fraser: ভারত তৈরি
অলিভিয়া ফ্রেসার এক ব্রিটিশ চিত্রকার যিনি 20 বছর ধরে দিল্লিতে নিবাস করছেন। তিনি সমস্ত ভারত ঘুরে তার মানুষ ও জায়গাগুলির ছবি এঁকেছেন, এবং ভারতীয় মিনিয়েচার পরম্পরা তাঁকে বিশেষভাবে প্রভাবিত করেছে। এই …
Bowen Li & Dipankar Ghosh: Advances in Powder and Ceramic Materials Science 2023
This collection emphasizes the advances of powder and ceramic/glass materials in the fundamental research, technology development, and industrial applications. Ceramic materials science covers the sc …
Bowen Li & Dipankar Ghosh: Advances in Ceramic Materials and Processing
This collection emphasizes the advances of powder and ceramic/glass materials in fundamental research, technology development, and industrial applications. Ceramic materials science covers the scienc …