Part of the Blackwell Manifestos series, The State of the
Novel offers a lively, yet rigorous investigation into the
state and future of the contemporary British novel written by an
expert in the field.
* Evaluates the state of the ‘serious literary’ novel
and novel criticism
* Prominent treatment is paid to the
‘internationalization’ of the novel in English
* Offers a manifesto on contemporary fiction from an expert in
this field; Dominic Head is best known for his Cambridge
Introduction to Modern British Fiction 1950-2000
* Establishes the shared interests of contemporary theorists of
the novel, cultural commentators, and novel consumers
* An ideal supplementary text for students and faculty interested
in the novel and contemporary fiction
Table of Content
1. The Post-Consensus Renaissance?
2. The Novel and Cultural Life in Britain.
3. Assimilating Multiculturalism.
4. Terrorism in Transatlantic Perspective.
5. Global Futures: Novelists, Critics, Citizens.
About the author
Dominic Head is Professor of Modern English Literature in the School of English Studies at the University of Nottingham. He is the author of several books on twentieth-century and contemporary literature, including The Cambridge Introduction to Modern British Fiction, 1950-2000 (2002), and, most recently, Ian Mc Ewan (2007). He is also the editor of The Cambridge Guide to Literature in English, third edition (2006).