Since 1989 neo-nationalism has grown as a volatile political force in almost all European societies in tandem with the formation of a neoliberal European Union and wider capitalist globalizations. Focusing on working classes situated in long-run localized processes of social change, including processes of dispossession and disenfranchisement, this volume investigates how the experiences, histories, and relationships of social class are a necessary ingredient for explaining the re-emergence and dynamics of populist nationalism in both Eastern and Western Europe. Featuring in-depth urban and regional case studies from Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Italy and Scotland this volume reclaims class for anthropological research and lays out a new interdisciplinary agenda for studying identity politics in the intensifying neoliberal conjuncture.
Table of Content
Introduction: Headlines of Nation, Subtexts of Class:Working Class Populism and the return of the Repressed in Neoliberal Europe
Don Kalb
Chapter 1. ‘Nationalism is Back!’ Radikali and Privatization Processes in Serbia
Theodora Vetta
Chapter 2. Articulating the Right to the City: Working Class Neo-Nationalism in Postsocialist Cluf, Romania
Norbert Petrovici
Chapter 3. Football Fandom in Cluj: Class, Ethno-nationalism and Cosmopolitanism
Florin Faje
Chapter 4. “Because it Can’t Make Me Happy that Audi is Prospering”: Working Class Nationalism in Hungary after 1989
Eszter Bartha
Chapter 5. (Dis)possessed by the Spectre of Socialism. Nationalist Mobilization in “Transitional” Hungary
Gábor Halmai
Chapter 6. Working Class Nationalism in a Scottish Village
Paul Gilfillan
Chapter 7. Class without Consciousness: Regional Identity in Northern Italy in Late Modernity
Jaro Stacul
Chapter 8. Long March to Oblivion? The Decline of the Italian Left on Its Home Grounds and the Rise of the New Right in Their Midst
Michael Blim
Epilogue: From the Ashes of a Counter-Revolution
George Baca
Notes on Contributors
About the author
Gábor Halmaiis a Ph D candidate at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Central European University in Budapest, finalizing a doctoral project that is a comparative investigation into two collective struggles against semi-peripheral “transitions, ” namely the nationalist movement in Hungary and the socialist MST in Brazil.