Music’s ability to influence emotions and moods is universally acknowledged, and music therapists have long known that stimulating the brain through the auditory system is a key to obtaining remarkable responses. Music therapy is a particularly effective tool when working with children with autism spectrum conditions, because music communicates with these children on a level where mere words cannot go.
Written in a way that is both informative for the professional and accessible for parents, this book furthers the already strong case for the use of music therapy as a resource to encourage behavioural changes for the better in children with autism spectrum conditions. Placing particular emphasis upon sensory integration, the author discusses contributing factors to the behaviour of people on the autism spectrum, and, through the use of case studies, presents the latest approaches in music therapy that are enabling children with autism spectrum conditions to better cope with sensory integration.
Table of Content
Preface/Foreword. 1. Introduction: Who defines ‘appropriate’? 2. Aspects of autism. 3. Aspects of sensory integration. 4. Functional adaptation defined. 5. Understanding basic sensory systems. 6.Are you listening? Part One. 7. Are you listening? Part Two. 8. Elements of music for sensory adaptation. 9. Music therapy in the realm of sensory integration. 10. Formulating music therapy treatment for sensory adaptation. 11. Conclusion. Appendix A. The role of music in physiologic accommodation. Appendix B. Sample assessment and progress reports. Bibliography. Index.
About the author
Dorita S. Berger is a concert pianist, an educator and a Board Certified music therapist with over 20 years of clinical experience in sensorimotor music-based treatment for autism spectrum and neurophysiologic-related diagnoses in children and adults. She conducts workshops and lectures on the role of music in science and medicine and continues to provide consultations and music therapy services, in addition to researching the role of music in human adaptation. Dorita resides in Durham, North Carolina, USA.