Dr. Douglas R. Davis
is an Associate Professor and Director of Doctoral Programs in K-12 Leadership at the University of Mississippi where he is an Associate Professor of K-12 Leadership at the University of Mississippi. He has served as the editor of the
Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education
(now the
Journal of Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Accountability)
, the
Journal of Thought,
president of the Consortium for Research on Educational Assessment and Teacher Evaluation (CREATE), and president of the Society of History and Philosophy of Education (SOPHE). Dr. Davis also served as a found member of the Board of Trustees of the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, Georgia.
Dr. Denver J. Fowler
is an International Researcher, Scholar, Author, and Speaker. A former award-winning practitioner in the PK-12 educational setting, and now a Professor of PK-12 Educational Leadership, Dr. Fowler’s goal is to further bridge the gap between the Higher Education setting and the PK-12 educational setting, namely as it applies to school leadership.
1 Ebooks by Douglas R. Davis
Douglas R. Davis & Denver J. Fowler: Human Resources for School Leaders
Human Resources for School Leaders contains comprehensive and systematic coverage of all aspects of public school human resource management. Unlike other books focused on this topic, the authors grou …