Dr. R.B. Singh, currently a U.G.C. Research Scientist ‘B’ (Associate Professor) is a faculty member of the Department of Geography, University of Delhi. The UNESCO/ISSC (Paris) awarded 1988 Research and Study Grants Award in Social and Human Science on his Project Himalayan Highland-Lowland Interactive Systems. Dr. Singh was trained in the Grographical Information Systems Technology in the field of Environment under Training Programme of the UNEP/UNITAR in Switzerland. He specializes in Environmental studies, Remote Sensing, GIS Tech. and Regional Development, and has to his credit six research volumes and a large number of research papers published in national and international journals. Presently, he is working on two prestigious projects sponsored by UGC and Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.
Dr. Suresh Misra (b. 1958) holds MA. in Political Science from J.N.U., New Delhi and D. Phil, from Allahabad University, Allahabad in 1990. He was associated with the Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi as a Research Officer until 1992. Currently Dr. Misra is Associate Professor and Head, Faculty of Public Administration, Haryana Institute of Public Administration, (HI PA) Gurgaon. He has published a number of papers in reputed journals on themes related to Panchayati Raj institutions, agrarian reforms, and socio-cultural aspects of environmental problems. Among his major publications (books) are: Politico-Peasantry Conflict in India: Dynamics of Agrarian Change; and Legislative Framework of Panchayati Raj Institutions in India; and Legislative Status of Panchayati Raj Institutions.
1 Ebooks by Dr. Singh R. B.
Dr. Suresh Misra & Dr. R. B. Singh: Environmental Law in India: Issues and Responses
While the Potsdam Declaration of 1945 aimed at the demilitarization, democratization and decentralization of Japan, the occupation authorities under Gen. Mac Arthur effected a large number of sweepin …