Are you living in an older house that is in need of a remodel or are you ready to update your house a bit? If so, you need to have a copy of the book ‘Remodel My House: How To Do It Right.’ This book gives the reader an insight into the world of remodeling and offers the reader advice on what they ought to have in place before they start the remodeling process. The challenge with remodeling is that many individuals fail to think of everything that they need to do before starting the remodel and end up having massive delays or end up having to pay more than they had budgeted for at the end of the day. It may be that they forgot to get the necessary permits or that the wrong contractor was hired. The book gives an overview of the step by step processes that are involved. Remodeling a home does not have to be stressful. With the proper planning and a well organized budget, the remodel can be carried out without a hitch.
About the author
Numerous individuals have been through the pitfalls of getting a successful home remodel done and Dwight Chung fits right into that category. He learned a lot about the process when he had to get his own home remodel done. During the process he learned that things were not as simple as they seemed to be. There was a lot of paperwork to get done and the decision on which contractor to use took a bit more than liking the personality of the individual and taking a cursory look at their résumé. Dwight made the decision that from his experience, he simply had to write a book that would help others who are thinking about remodeling and simply don’t know where to start. His book outlines the major things that ought to be done to have a trouble free process.