Author: E. Shiraev

ERIC SHIRAEV  is a a Political Psychologist at George Mason University, USA.    EERO CARROLL  has held post-doctoral appointments at SOFI, Stockholm University (1999-2006), the National Institute for Working Life (2006-07) and the Institute for Futures Studies (2007-08), all in Stockholm, Sweden. VLADIMIR SHLAPENTOKH is Professor of Sociology at Michigan State University, USA.

2 Ebooks by E. Shiraev

E. Shiraev: The Soviet Union
The book analyzes Soviet society as a ‘hard reality’, emphasizes the varying perceptions of it in the Soviet Union and the US, and insists that, while glorifications of the Soviet reality have been u …
M. Icks & E. Shiraev: Character Assassination throughout the Ages
Using a variety of cases from history and today’s life, the book examines character attackers targeting the private lives, behavior, values, and identity of their victims. Numerous historical example …