Marijuana Success Indoors looks into the gardens of real people to see how they have combined gardening skill with technological savvy to produce quality buds. This large-format, 8.5 x 11 inch book focuses on homegrowing cultivation issues and solutions, including working in small spaces, the use of hydroponics versus planting mix gardens, lighting, and supplementing with CO2. A great companion to information found in grow guides Marijuana Success Indoors shows what types of problems are encountered in actual gardening situations, and how they are addressed to result in success.
About the author
Recently acclaimed ‘The King of Pot Books’ by the Associated Press, Ed Rosenthal is recognized worldwide as a leading authority on marijuana. After two decades, his Ask Ed ™ advice column continues to answer questions on all matters marijuana from real readers around the world. He has written and edited more than a dozen books about marijuana cultivation, social impact, and policy that have cumulatively sold over one million copies. Ed is an enduring and inspiring voice for the cause, playing an active role in marijuana law reform, and speaking on radio shows and in person to encourage the adoption of a saner drug policy.