Edwin C. Bearss is a world-renowned military historian, author, and tour guide known for his workon the American Civil War and World War II. Ed, a former WWII Marine wounded in the PacificTheater, served as Chief Historian of the National Park Service from 1981 to 1994 and is the author ofdozens of books and articles including the two-volume definitive study The Petersburg Campaign, vol. 1: The Eastern Front Battles, June–August 1864, and vol. 2: The Western Battles, September 1864 – April 1865 (Savas Beatie, 2012, 2014). Mr. Bearss discovered and helped raise the Union warship USS Cairo, which is on display at Vicksburg National Military Park.
1 Ebooks by Edwin C Bearss
Suderow Bryce Suderow & Bearss Edwin C. Bearss: Five Forks Campaign and the Fall of Petersburg
The wide-ranging and largely ignored operations around Petersburg, Virginia, were the longest and most extensive of the entire Civil War. The fighting began in June of 1864, when advance elements fro …