Author: Edwin Erle Sparks

An English professor at the City University of New York”s Kingsborough College, Bob Blaisdell is the editor of numerous Dover Thrift Editions and many other books. He has published essays about his experiences as a teacher and regularly reviews books for the San Francisco Chronicle and the Christian Science Monitor.

2 Ebooks by Edwin Erle Sparks

Stephen A. Douglas & Abraham Lincoln: Lincoln-Douglas Debates
One of the most significant and far-reaching events in U. S. history, the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 sharpened and brought to a head a number of crucial questions concerning slavery, states’ rig …
Edwin Erle Sparks: United States of America, Part 1
The story of the United States has frequently been told. It has been told in the spirit of boasting, as a marvel of local accomplishment. It has been told in the spirit of reverence, as the work of a …