Author: Elaine Sorensen Sorensen Marshall

Elaine S. Marshall, R.N., Ph.D., is Professor and Dean of the College of Nursing at Brigham Young University. Her research is on families and health, with particular recent focus on families with children with disabilities. She is author of the book Children′s Stress and Coping: A Family Perspective (1993), for which she was awarded the New Professional Book Award by the National Council on Family Relations. She has been designated a Distinguished Writer by Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nursing and has received several awards for writing. She is the author of dozens of refereed journal articles and book chapters.  She and her husband John are the parents of nine children.

1 Ebooks by Elaine Sorensen Sorensen Marshall

D. Russell Crane & Elaine Sorensen Marshall: Handbook of Families and Health
‘The list of authors is impressive. Several are widely published and well known over time in the interdisciplinary field of family studies. They represent many of the disciplines whose work comes tog …