Elias Wegert is a Professor of Mathematics at the Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg. His main research interests are in Complex and Nonlinear Analysis; he is the author of a book on nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert problems and their applications. Wegert has experience in mathematical teaching at different levels for about 30 years. He is also committed to mathematical competitions for high school students.
2 Ebooks by Elias Wegert
Elias Wegert: Visual Complex Functions
This book provides a systematic introduction to functions of one complex variable. Its novel feature is the consistent use of special color representations – so-called phase portraits – which visuali …
Andreas Felgenhauer & Hans-Dietrich Gronau: Die schönsten Aufgaben der Mathematik-Olympiade in Deutschland
Die Aufgaben in diesem Buch zählen zu den Perlen mathematischer Wettbewerbe und zeigen die Schönheit und Eleganz mathematischer Sachverhalte bereits auf dem Schulniveau. Dabei ist dieses Werk aber me …