As a field in its own right, Minority Language Media studies is developing fast. The recent technological and social developments that have accelerated media convergence and opened new ways of access and exchange into spaces formerly controlled by media institutions, offer new opportunities, challenges and dangers to minority languages, and especially to their already established media institutions. This book includes debates on what convergence and participation actually mean, a series of case studies of specific social media developments in minority language, as well as comparative studies on how the cultural industries have engaged with the new possibilities brought about by media convergence. Finally, the book also offers a historical review of the development of Minority Language Media worldwide, and evidences the areas in which more extensive research is required.
Table of Content
Preface A note on the Mercator Network Introductory Essay
1. Donald R. Browne and Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed: Ethnic/Linguistic minority media: What their history reveals, how scholars have studied them, and what we might ask next
SECTION I Theoretical Debates on Convergence and Minority Languages
2. Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed: Minority Language Media studies and Communication for Social Change: Dialogue between Europe and Latin America
3. László Vincze and Tom Moring: Towards Ethnolinguistic Identity Gratifications
4. Elin Haf Gruffydd Jones: Minority Language Media, convergence culture and the indices of linguistic vitality
SECTION II Web 2.0, Social Networking Sites, and Minority Languages
5. Daniel Cunliffe, Delyth Morris and Cynog Prys: Investigating the differential use of Welsh in young speakers’ social networks: A comparison of communication in face-to-face settings, in electronic texts and on social networking sites
6. Melanie Wagner: Luxembourgish on Facebook: Language ideologies and writing strategies
7. Ian Johnson: Audience design and communication accommodation theory: use of twitter by Welsh – English biliterates
8. Nicole Dołowy-Rybińska: Kashubian and modern media – the influence of new technologies on endangered languages
9. Daniel Cunliffe and Rhodri ap Dyfrig: The Welsh language on You Tube: Initial observations
10. Niall Mac Uidhilin: Learning communities mediated through technology: Pedagogic opportunities for Minority Languages
11. Philippe Lacour, Any Freitas, Aurélien Bénel, Franck Eyraud, Diana Zambon: Enhancing linguistic diversity through collaborative translation: Tradu Xio, an open source platform for multilingual workflow management in media
12. Philippa Law: Experiences of audience interaction by BBC network radio producers: Implications for endangered language media
SECTION III Media Convergence and Creative Industries
13. Eithne O’Connell: Towards a template for a linguistic policy for minority language broadcasters
14. Júlia Cordonet and David Forniès: Legislating the language of cinema: developments in Catalonia
15. Douglas Chalmers, Mike Danson, Alison Lang, Lindsay Milligan: The contribution of BBC ALBA to Gaelic: a social and economic review
16. Amaia Pavón and Aitor Zuberogoitia: Multilingual practice of the EITB Group and its TV provision for teenagers
17. Ruth Lysaght: Tell a Song/Waiata Mai/ Abair Amhrán: Singing Out
18. Bea Narbaiza, Josu Amezaga, Edorta Arana, Patxi Azpillaga: Languages: Obstacles and brand values in the age of media convergence
CONCLUDING REMARKS Mike Cormack: Towards an understanding of media impact on Minority Language use
About the author
Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Communication at Universidad de La Sabana, and the director of the Audiovisual Culture research group. He has been involved in various Minority Language Media studies endeavours since he joined the Mercator Media Network in 2007.